
Everyone has them and they should. We hope this page helps you find some answers. If not, please do not hesitate to contact us.

What are the services like? What times?

All services include a time of worship through song, a relevant message from God's word, a time of giving, video elements, and more. Most of our services last about an hour. Communion is served on the 1st  and 3rd Sunday of every month.

We meet for three services every Sunday morning and one service in the afternoon:

8:00AM - Traditional music (hymns) with piano, organ, and vocalists.

9:15AM - Contemporary music with a worship band.

10:30AM - Contemporary music with a worship band.

2:00PM - Intercultural. Combines elements of many different cultures and is spoken in both Laos and English languages.

What will happen on my first visit?

We won't make you stand up and introduce yourself or give you a name tag that makes you stand out.  We simply hope you'll feel welcome and enjoy your visit, and we invite you to stop by the Welcome Station in the foyer to pick up a small gift, just our way of saying "thanks for joining us."

Do you have to dress up to attend your worship service?

No!  Dressing up is not a requirement to worship with us. Some do wear their “Sunday best” but you’re also likely to see someone in slacks and a casual shirt, or even jeans. We believe the most important part about Sunday morning is showing up, ready to worship God.

How do I become a member of Morningside Lutheran Church?
We encourage you to participate in our New Member Class and watch for other opportunities in the bulletin and video announcements throughout the year.

Where should I enter the building?

The front doors of the building are the primary spot to come in. If you need elevator access, please use side door D.

Should I bring my kids?

Absolutely!  Our Children's Ministry for kiddos in PK-5th grade is fantastic and takes place at the 9:15 & 10:30 services!  We highly recommend checking it out!  Our check-in kiosk is located in the foyer near the coffee station, and our background-checked volunteers would love to meet you and your kids!  Find out more HERE. If you have a child younger than PK, our nursery is open during the 9:15 & 10:30 services down the hall from the Sanctuary.

Do I have to give money?

We do offer a time to give, but you shouldn't feel obligated!  Giving (in an amount you are able to) is an expectation for those who are members of Morningside Lutheran.

What about communion?

We take communion together as part of our services on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of every month.  All who have accepted Jesus as their Savior are welcome to join us for communion.

Are assistive listening devices available during services if I have difficulty hearing the message?
Yes, these can be obtained from our Sound Booth, located in the back of the Sanctuary.

Do you have coffee?

Yes!  There's always plenty of hot coffee in the foyer!

Is there a way to hear past weeks’ sermons?
Our past sermons can be found HERE.

How do I reach a pastor in an emergency?
If you contact the church office after hours at 712-276-2511, emergency contact information is available through our voicemail system. Otherwise, please call the church office and we will get you connected to whoever you need.