children's education ministry

Morningside Lutheran wants to help bring children to a saving faith in Jesus Christ and to nurture and grow their faith so they may become lifelong believers and disciples of Jesus -  and have fun doing it! 

sunday school registration

Sunday School is offered Sunday during the 9:15AM and 10:30AM worship services for children PK through 5th Grade. Programming is the same during each time slot, so families can be flexible about what service they will join each week. 

The program is catered to the needs of developing children and age appropriate lessons. Grades PK-5 learn about Jesus in a large group/small group format learning through storytelling, games, videos, crafts, music and snacks

Check-in each Sunday at the check-in station in the foyer before worship begins. There, you will receive a name tag for your child and a secondary name tag for a parent with a matching number ID. It is imperative to have the name tag for checking out. Grades PK-1st will begin downstairs at the beginning of the service. Grades 2nd-5th begin with worship in the Sanctuary with their families. Dismissal is announced during the service and students head to the lower level with volunteers.

Sunday School leaders are a vital part of growing a young child's faith. You don't know how important you are. Please consider volunteering and talk with Kathy Ewoldt about opportunities to do so at

Missed the first weeks of programming or can only participate a couple times a year? No problem! You can participate in Sunday programming at any time!


Child are welcome at all services. However, the Nursery is available on Sunday mornings during the 9:15AM & 10:30AM services for children from birth through age four. The nursery is located on the upper level, down the hall from the main Sanctuary.

Check-In: When you check in, we will ask that you sign your child into the nursery at the nursery door. Please remember to label all of your child’s belongings before entering the room; this helps eliminate confusion.

Pick Up: To pick up your child, please return to the nursery counter. Only a parent or guardian will be allowed to remove a child from the nursery.

Health Guidelines: We want to provide a healthy environment in our nursery, so we ask you to keep your child at home when you observe any of the following: fever, vomiting, discharge in or around the eyes, green or yellow diarrhea, runny nose, excessive coughing, questionable rash, and/or any communicable disease (including head lice). If your child becomes ill while in the nursery, you will be notified immediately. If your child is being treated with an antibiotic, he or she should have received treatment for at least 48 hours before coming to the nursery. For your child’s protection, we also ask our caregivers to follow these same guidelines.